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My Signature Learning Experience as a Level 4 student worker at Berry College has taught me so much and prepared me for my vocation. I would like to pursue work in a social justice non-profit once I graduate from Berry College and I believe that I will bring many assets to any team that I become a part of. Through mentorship, overcoming challenges at work and connections made with others, I feel confident that wherever I go after graduation I will be ready to make a difference. 


One of my main jobs in the International Experiences office is having one on one peer counseling with students interested in study abroad. It is always exciting every time a student decides to study abroad and then finds the perfect program. One student that I helped last semester was only sure that she wanted to study in Italy. I was able to work with her to find the perfect program at the right university and she had a great experience there this past summer. Even though I was not personally traveling with her, I was able to feel a part of her journey as we looked through various classes and locations. 

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